Cactus Trivia

Ever thought which is the senior most cactus? The first cactus to be comissioned as a Cactus was Cactus melocactus. This was the first cactus species formally named by Carl Linnaeus in 1753. Probably caught his attention for the distinct cephalium it sports. Cactus opuntia was the first genus to be documented by the Europeans.…

In Quest of Best Cactus Media !

1. Growing cactus is indeed a challenge, and were it not so, it would not have attracted the more serious-minded people, who are always ready to take up challenges.
2. Firstly, it must be understood that any media is good, provided it can maintain a prerequisite set of conditions that your plant requires and for that you have to monitor the media along with your plant.

A word about Air Plants.

Tillandsia is a genus of around 700  species of evergreen, perennial flowering plants in the family Bromeliaceae, native to the forests, mountains and deserts of Central and South America. Although they belong to bromeliaceae, they are not to be treated like regular run of the mill bromeliads found in the nurseries. Although they do have…

Are grafts good?

Very often I come across a question, “Are grafts Good?”  And my answer is always the same, “Depends upon which side of the table you are. They most certainly facilitate!” Well, on a serious note, one cannot always categorize something as Black or White. There is always a reason for people’s choice. So, without generalizing…

Hakuna Matata !

The monsoons are here. They give life to the planet. Birds and Animals rejoice. Earth decks up in green. Love is in the air. Grass grows, Insects increase, Frogs breed, Peacocks court, Birds nest, Dragon and Damsels hover and perform gravity defying aeros. Everyone is happy. In general it is HAKUNA MATATA time!
Everyone? No, not everyone! There is a strange group…

Why are Asclepiads Fascinating?

The Generas Heurnia, Stapelia and Orbea has fallen in stature by being demoted to subfamily Asclepiadoideae  from family Asclepiadaceae .  This may be a serious concern for a Botanist but for the hobbyists, it is rather a matter of semantics. What’s in a name? That which we call a Stapeliad/Orbea By any other word would smell as obnoxious……