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Uncarina hybrid (Cutting Grown)

₹1 850.00
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Product Details

Colour and plant size as show

Origin of Name

The Uncarina hybrid belongs to the genus Uncarina, which is native to Madagascar. The genus name "Uncarina" is derived from the plant's resemblance to the genus Uncaria due to its hooked fruit, but with notable differences that warranted a distinct classification. Hybrids within the Uncarina genus are cultivated for their unique features that combine the desirable traits of various Uncarina species, such as flower color, leaf shape, and growth habit. The naming of specific hybrids often reflects these unique attributes or the breeder’s contributions.

Technical Description of Plant

Uncarina hybrids are intriguing succulent plants known for their vibrant flowers and distinctive, often fuzzy, leaves. These hybrids can vary greatly in appearance but typically feature large, lobed leaves with a soft, velvety texture and a stout, woody stem that gives them a shrub-like appearance. The flowers are the show-stoppers of these plants, blooming in an array of colors from bright yellow to deep orange or even red, resembling those of the Petunia or Sesame in shape and size. The blooms are often large, with a striking contrast against the foliage, making them highly ornamental. Some hybrids may also produce the characteristic hooked fruits of the genus, which are fascinating but can be sharp.

Origin of Plant

Uncarina hybrids originate from horticultural efforts to enhance the natural beauty and resilience of the Uncarina species native to Madagascar. By cross-breeding species within the genus, horticulturists have developed varieties that exhibit the best traits of their parentage, adapted to a wider range of environmental conditions or with enhanced ornamental appeal. These efforts aim to create plants that are not only more visually appealing but also more versatile in garden settings.

Conservation Status

The conservation status of specific Uncarina hybrids is not individually assessed, as they are products of cultivation. However, many species within the Uncarina genus, being endemic to Madagascar, face threats from habitat loss and degradation. Conservation efforts for these plants often focus on habitat preservation and sustainable cultivation practices to ensure their survival.

Care Instructions

Uncarina hybrids require conditions that mimic their native Madagascan habitat. They prefer bright, indirect light but can tolerate direct sunlight in cooler parts of the day. A well-draining soil mix, formulated for succulents or cacti, is essential to prevent root rot. Water moderately during the active growing season, allowing the soil to dry completely between waterings, and reduce watering in the winter months. These plants are not frost-tolerant and should be protected from cold temperatures. Fertilize sparingly with a low-nitrogen, balanced fertilizer during the growing season to support healthy growth and flowering. Pruning may be necessary to maintain shape and encourage bushier growth.

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