Handling Bare-Root Cactus and Succulents from Online Nurseries

When ordering cactus and succulents online from online cactus nurseries, many nurseries, like us, ie, www.plantaeparadise.com ship these plants bare-root to minimize weight and ensure safe transit. Bare-root plants are shipped without soil, and their roots are exposed.

This method saves not only money in freight but ensures that the plants do not rot due to moisture and can withstand a longer transit period. Also soil borne pests are not transmitted this way.

This method requires special handling upon arrival to prevent damage and promote successful establishment in their new home. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to handle bare-root cactus and succulents purchased from online cactus nurseries.

Unpacking and Inspection

Upon receiving your package, carefully open it and inspect the plants for any damage or signs of stress. Look for broken or bent stems, discolored or mushy parts, and check if the roots appear healthy and firm. If you notice any issues, document them with photos and contact the nursery immediately for a replacement or refund. Contact with us to know more about it or best cactus.

Callusing the Roots

One of the most crucial steps in handling bare-root cactus and succulents is allowing the roots to callus over. Callusing is the process of forming a protective layer over the exposed root ends, which helps prevent moisture loss and potential rot.

online cactus nurseries

To callus the roots, gently remove any packing material and lay the plants on a clean, dry surface, such as a paper towel or newspaper. Ensure the roots are spread out and not overlapping or touching each other. Place the cactus plants in a shaded, well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight and drafts.

Leave the plants to callus for several days, typically 3 to 7 days, depending on the size and species. During this time, the exposed root ends will dry out and form a protective callus. Avoid watering or misting the cactus plants during the callusing process. Buy cactus from plantaeparadise.com. Order cactus and succulents online from online cactus nurseries like us.


Once the roots have properly callused, it’s time to repot your cactus or succulent. Choose a well-draining potting mix designed specifically for succulents and cacti. Use a pot with drainage holes and a size that allows for about an inch of space between the plant and the pot’s edge to accommodate future growth.

Gently place the plant in the pot, spreading out the roots evenly. Fill the pot with the potting mix, leaving enough space at the top for watering. Gently firm the soil around the plant’s base but avoid compacting it too much.

Acclimation and Watering

After repotting, place your cactus or succulent in a bright, indirect light location and allow it to acclimate for a few days before introducing it to direct sunlight. This gradual transition helps prevent sunburn or stress.

Resist the urge to water immediately after repotting, as the plants have been through a stressful transition. Wait until the soil is completely dry before giving them a thorough watering. Be careful not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot and other issues.

online cactus nurseries

Ongoing Care

Once your cactus or succulent has settled into its new home, follow the recommended care guidelines for the specific species. Most cacti and succulents thrive in bright, direct sunlight, well-draining soil, and infrequent watering. Monitor the soil moisture and water only when the potting mix is completely dry.

During the growing season (typically spring and summer), you may need to fertilize your plants with a balanced, diluted cactus or succulent fertilizer. Prune or remove any dead or damaged growth to maintain the plant’s health and appearance.

online cactus nurseries

By following these handling and care instructions, you can ensure a smooth transition for your online-purchased bare-root cactus and succulents, allowing them to establish a healthy root system and thrive in their new environment.

When looking to Buy cactus plants online, it’s essential to choose reputable online cactus nurseries that offer high-quality plants and provide proper shipping and handling instructions. Some of the best cactus and succulent are those that have been in business in cactus over a decade or more because then they will be growing their own plants.  By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can successfully introduce these unique and low-maintenance plants to your home or garden.

Lastly if buying plants from www.plantaeparadise.com ,

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